SEU Command Alternatives[edit]
In SEU you need to know many commands for an action, in a graphical editor (like MiWorkplace) things are done differently as you have more options like text selection or scrolling and paging up and down. And sometimes you don't have a direct equivalent to a key command but you can achieve the same goal on a different route.
PDM: Option 14
MiWorkplace: Right click on the member and select compile. Inside the editor press CTRL+SHIFT+C
MiWorkplace: Place your cursor on the command and press F4
SEU: C , Cn , CC
MiWorkplace: Select the text via the cursor (either mouse or keyboard). MiWorkplace also lets you copy parts of a line instead of the whole line. With CTRL+A you can select the whole code. CTRL+C copies the text to the clipboard.
SEU: M, Mn, MM
MiWorkplace: Moving parts of the line can be achieved by selecting the text and then copying and removing the text in one move with CTRL+X. Then paste the code at the position you want with CTRL+V.
You can also move the lines up and down one or more lines. Just select the lines you want to move and press ALT+ARROW UP for move the selected line(s) one line up. The same goes for moving line(s) down with ALT+ARROW DOWN
Duplicate lines[edit]
SEU: see Repeat
MiWorkplace: CTRL+SHIFT+D
will duplicate the current line.
SEU: D, Dn, DD
MiWorkplace: CTRL+D
deletes the current line. To delete only part of a line just use BACKSPACE
or select the text and press DEL
MiWorkplace: Use the Find/Replace dialog, CTRL+F
SEU: I, In
MiWorkplace: ENTER
puts a newline at the current cursor position. SHIFT+ENTER
will put a newline at the end of the current line and thus adding a blank line one line below the current line.
Shift left/right[edit]
SEU: L, Ln, LLn
MiWorkplace: First select the lines you want to move. SHIFT will move all selected lines to the right by one identation (4 spaces, see preferences). SHIFT+TAB
will shift the lines to the left by one indentation.
SEU: O, On, OO
MiWorkplace: To replace a block of text with the text in the clipboard just select the text you want to replace and press CTRL+V to insert the text from the clipboard. The selected text will be replaced with the one from the clipboard.
Go to Start[edit]
or enter line number 1
MiWorkplace: CTRL+POS1
Go to End[edit]
or enter last line number
MiWorkplace: CTRL+END
Go to specific line[edit]
SEU: n (enter line number)
MiWorkplace: CTRL+L
opens a dialog where the target line number can be entered.
MiWorkplace: CTRL+S
Block Selection[edit]
The editor can also be put into block selection mode. The button is right to the editor tab title. You can now select a block of one or more columns and edit the text accordingly.
User Exits[edit]
Most user exits program are used to compose some lines of code like a template. MiWorkplace supports templates and snippets which will provide similar functionality. If you need more flexibility then take a look at the Script Editor.