Import OpenAPI[edit]

To import an OpenApi file into the editor, click the drop-down menu.

Openapi editor import api.png

You can import a file from:

  • Local file-system. To do so, select Import Local OpenAPI from the drop-down menu then pick a file from the files dialog you're prompted with.


  • Remote location. To do so, select Import Remote OpenAPI from the drop-down menu, fill in the location URL in the location field, then hit Enter or the Read button.

Openapi editor remote api url.png

The components of the selected OpenApi file will be shown (e.g., the image below). Select the option that suits you then hit Finish button. You are able to import all or parts of the specification.

Openapi editor import api wz.png

Export OpenAPI[edit]

To export the currently opened file in the editor, click the export button from the menu. By default, you can only export to the local file-system but other systems (like TD/OMS) may extend this functionality.

Openapi editor import api.png