New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.1.3[edit]

137 - Editor data stays open in OpenAPI Studio The Editor was not properly disposed of upon close. This could lead to memory issues.

139 - Preserve insertion order for schema properties Schema properties were randomly added to the parent schema. This has been improved to retain the insertion order.


138 - Normalized name does not handle uppercased text Normalizing the name would not create readable text when the field's text is all capitals. Now all words are set to lowercase before normalizing.


Smaller Issues[edit]

I40 - When trying to set a property of object as "required" nothing happens.
When setting the 'required' property it immediately turned back to not set. This has been fixed.

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.1.2[edit]

130 - Upgrade to new code generation API This includes bug fixes and enhancements for over a dozen programming languages. In addition to this, four new generators were added:
  • Kotlin Vert.x
  • Julia client and server
  • Python client - python-nextgen
  • Jetbrains http client

128 - Preserve order of entry in schema properties The schema properties insert order was not honored. Although the spec does not mention any specific order for schema properties, it is nice to see the properties as they appear in a database so that map-to-all techniques can be applied from the database record to the generated data structures. We have inserted a row number to manage the ordering.



130 - Upgrade to new code generation API
We have upgraded to new code generation. A bug caused the product to fail on Linux. This has been resolved, and version 3.1.1 has been released.
129 - Editor responds slowly and flickers on attributes keystroke
The form editor sometimes tried to stay in synch too aggressively. This was causing flicker and keystroke delays. We have implemented various techniques to mitigate this behavior.
133 - After using the editor for a while, messages appear in the logs
We solved various issues in this area.
132 - OAS3 After closing and opening the editor, it becomes slow
When an editor was closed, we did not clean up correctly. This caused listeners to still be active on the document, which in turn caused updates of disposed widgets.
134 - The new schema dialog shows selectable fields as hidden
It is now clear which fields are selectable.

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.1.1[edit]


Q12 - Remain API Studio License Manager doesn't work
A bug caused the product to fail on Linux. This has been resolved, and version 3.1.1 has been released.

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.1.0[edit]


126 Array fields removed from schemas after edit
If a schema contains a field of type array, it will be deleted after editing a schema.
I02093 Add generate extension to operation
Prevent displaying AddXGenerationDialog after creating operation. Reopen the AddXGenerationDialog from the context menu to update the content(use the same context menu to create and update the extension).

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.0.3[edit]

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

125 - Upgrade openapi generator cli to version 5.4.0
The current CLI version was upgraded to version 5.4.0.

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.0.2[edit]

123 - Replace Reprezen editor with Eclipse standard JSON editor. Now, the OpenAPI studio ships with a much better and more efficient editor.

Openapi studio new editor.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

124 - The OpenAPI studio new source editor causes issues
The studio source editor now uses by default the available text editor and gives a prompt dialog each time you open a document file. The outline view is not reacting/being populated. As a result, also the "Show in source editor" menu is broken.
I34 - Editor not working in OpenAPI Studio
OpenAPI Studio has switched to new editors. The editor is not shipped which gives popup menus. Also, there are problems linking to the source code.
I35 - The operation edition wizard OK button always disabled
When editing an operation (by right-clicking it > Edit), the OK button in the edition wizard is not enabled.
I36 - Don't validate an inline schema name
Inline schemas don't need to be validated by the studio inspector.

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V3.0.1[edit]

Object Info validation

The first tab, containing the document info, validates its content according to the OpenAPI specs.

Studio first tab valdation.png

Schemas validation

We offer now validation for the schemas tab section.

For Both the global schemas section:

Studio schemas tab valdation.png

And schema properties section.

Studio schemas tab properties valdation.png

Paths & Operations validation

You can validate all paths in one go or path by path.

Studio paths tab valdation.png

Global and operation parameters validation

Validate the global and operation parameters:

Studio paths tab parameters valdation.png

Global and operation request-bodies validation

Validate the global and operation request-bodies:

Studio paths tab request-bodies valdation.png

Global and operation responses validation

Validate the global and operation responses:

Studio paths tab responses valdation.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

I18 - API Editor does not validate the OAS3 spec.

At least the operation Id must be unique across ALL operations and the path variable must be specified when the path contains a path.
I19 - Creation of existing path destroys the existing path.
When I create a path that already exists that path replaces the existing path including all existing operations.
I26 - APIStudio spec help does not jump to the correct anchors.
When pressing "i" in schema/parameters help, it jumps to the wrong page.
I28 - Prevent self-reference when creating an array and composed schemas.
Prevent in the UI the creation of a schema referencing itself.
I29 - Enforce schema names to follow specs requirement
We should prohibit the creation (UI-wise) of a schema with a non-conform name.
I32 - Schemas view doesn't refresh after editing a schema name
When editing a schema using the schema edition wizard from the local menu, the Schemas view doesn't refresh.
01607 - No More Handles Error from com.reaminsoftware.oas3.ui
Self-referencing schemas create loops when rendering the UI.
01541 - Issue Viewing Spec.
We'll enforce this specs section in the editor's parameters UI and only show applicable styles choices per parameter location.
01545 - Check for Operation ID must be filled and must be unique.
An operation id, if defined, should be unique across the API document.
116 - Spaces in names
OAStudio allows creating schema fields with spaces. I think this is not allowed.
68 - Studio - Add validator
Validate a given openapi document according to the OAS3 specs

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V2.1[edit]

104 - API Test: make it possible to edit a created method

Now it is possible to edit method fields id, summary, and description.

Edit method fields.png

I23 - Show component source view cannot be made visible from the context menu

You can now open the Component Source view from the context menu of a component (e.g., schema, path, server, security,..).

Openapi open component source view.png

I22 - Field format is not visible in attributes list

You can now view and edit the schema type format in the Attributes view.

Openapi open attributes view schema type format.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

xx - Issues concerning method parameters
several small issues solved.
I1 - Dark theme is really dark
The dark theme is very dark. Please take a look at the screenshot.
I17 - Adding an ´anyOf´ subschema is malfunctioning
When trying to add an anyOf subschema, a oneOf subschema is added instead.
I21 - External browser doesn't show up when clicking online help menu
Launching the external browser, e,g., when clicking the menu to show online wiki help or external web view stopped working.
I24 - Sub-schema of type "not" disappears from in Schemas view
Adding a "not" schema shows up in the Schemas view after adding one but not after closing and reopening the API document. A UI issue as it still exists in the source code.
I25 - Global tag deletion not working
Trying to delete a global tag by right-clicking it then using its context delete menu is not responding
E10 - Publish the APIs
How would a company publish all the API's in the json files so that developers know which API's are available?

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V2 Milestone 3[edit]

Maintenance release.

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

33 - Licensing Server - Strip out sensitive data from Get operations
There is no need to fetch sensitive data just to fill in their respective UI input fields.
108 - API Test; Request body added to methods that does not admit it
After a method update, an empty body will be added to that method. This will cause problems by generating an API.
110 - Method responses disappears after update test method
Responses of an openapi method will be disappeared after updating it from API test.
111 - Licensing Server - Enable license activation via the web
When it's not possible to activate a license the normal way from the license management editor, one should be able to activate the license using a browser.
113 - Licensing Server - Enable license edition via the web admin
One should be able to edit a license via the licenses web admin
114 - Licensing Server - Add licenses seats management overview
One should be able to view/manage all licensed seats within the current RCP license management editor. This enables the user to de/activate seats from a central point.
115 A recurring exception in Marketplace while installing OpenAPI Studio
In the Eclipse marketplace error report, an exception is occurring many times preventing the OpenAPI studio successful installation

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V2 Milestone 2[edit]

104 - API Test: make it possible to edit a created method

Now it is possible to edit method fields id, summary, and description.

Edit method fields.png

100 - Studio - Give the user the option to delete/keep a component references

When deleting a global component, be it a parameter, request body, or response, the user has now the choice to keep or delete references to this global component.

Delete global component.png

58 - Studio - Add global responses

You can now define global responses and easily reuse them elsewhere in your OpenAPI document.

Global responses.png

Global responses referencing.png

97 - Studio - Add global callbacks

You can now define global callbacks and easily reuse them elsewhere in your OpenAPI document.

Global callbacks.png

Global callbacks referencing.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

45 - Issues concerning method parameters
several small issues solved.
87 - Schema attributes view shows duplicate example field
The parameter array properties are displayed on attributes view with duplicate example field.
88 - NullPointerException on subschema item selection
Selection of some schema subitems doesn't work from the schema view.
91 - Validate schema attributes values
Validate the values of the attributes before adding them to the schema according to the schema type.
95 - Add import and export requests
Import and export requests and test cases.
6 - Scrollbar is not working on OpenApi's general info tab
You have to manually drag it or press the directional buttons to scroll, it doesn't work with the mouse wheel.
103 - Update request body from API test loses some body elements
By updating the request body from API test, the following element will be lost if any:description, requirement, and schema reference.
105 - API test- Request Definitions view does not watch file changes
If a file is changed outside the request editor, the view of the definition does not refresh.
99 - Studio - UI referring to a global parameter not working correctly
Referring to newly created global parameters doesn't show reference UI but that of a new local parameter.
92 - Studio - License editor no more brought to the front
When opening the API Studio for the first time, the user should be prompted with the license editor.
90 - Licensing Server - Send an email when a subscription is canceled
Send an alert to the defined emails in the web admin when a user successfully cancels a subscription
89 - Licensing Server - Add more logging
Log the whole incoming data when a license activation fails
77 - Licensing Server - MongoDB connection failure prohibits the server from running
The licensing server should be able to run and log when failing to connect to the DB.
34 - Licensing Server - Clicking the licensee name not showing its order info
In the licensing server web admin, clicking the name of the licensee of the subscription doesn't show its order info as it does for the licensee of a one-time license
107 - Licensing Server - Error reading logs
The licensing server Logs tab throws an error while reading the "log/rotate folder" content

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V2 Milestone 1[edit]

HTTP request client HTTP request client is now added to the Remain API Studio to allow the users to create and save simple and complex HTTP/s requests, as well as read their responses.

Http rquest client.jpg

Run request method Each OpenApi HTTP method can be run separately.

Run method.png

Run OpenApi file with http request client All OpenApi file methods can be run at once from Request Definitions view or Remain API Studio.

Run openapi file.png

Create Test Suites Now it is possible to create and run test suites. Test suites can be also run separately.

Create test suite.png

Add Test Case to Test Suite A test suite is a collection of test cases. Now you can add a test case(s) to a test suite.

New testcase.png

Manage Test Case The following actions are added to the test case: Run, edit, Rename and delete.

Also, it is now possible to add assertions to the test case.

Testcase assertion.png

Mockserver We're offering a fully integrated auto-mock server. It handles requests, callbacks, validates path and incoming parameters, and generates a mock response based on the definitions in your OpenAPI document. It's a fully automated local mock server. Just relax and mock!

Studio new mockserver.png

Schema XML representation We've introduced a new tab so that you can define a schema's XML data format.

Studio new schema xml.png

Global tags We've introduced a new tab: Tags, where global tags can be viewed/edited. Overriding tags on the operation level has been improved.

Studio new tags tab.png.png

Studio new tags overriding.png

Inline schema attributes It's possible now to view/edit an inline schema in the Attributes view.

Studio new inline attributes.png

Documentations & Configurations generation Documentations and configurations can now be generated from your OAS3 document.

Studio new generate docs.png.png

We offer many docs types to generate including ready-to-deploy Swagger web UI so that you can use it on your own site.

Studio new generate docs folder.png

View docs on browser The generated docs can also be served and viewed in the browser for ease of use.

Studio new serve docs menu.png

Studio new serve docs.png

Component source code For more development focus, it's now possible to select one component (e.g., schema, path, operation, security scheme, tag, or server) and view its source code in the component source view. You can also toggle between Yaml and JSON by using the local menu.

Studio new component source.png

Schema required properties You can now view/edit the required properties of a schema.

Studio new schema required.png

Schema attributes Attributes tab has been polished. Now, it shows only relevant fields to the selected schema. Additionally, we've added the enum and example fields.

Studio new inline attributes.png.png

Parameter style and explode fields We've added support for the parameter style and explode fields.

Studio new style explode.png

Attributes view revamp We've extended the Schema Attributes view with these three tabs: Properties, Additional Properties, XML, and Discriminator tabs so that you can view/edit an inline schema and drill down schema properties.

Studio new attributes properties view.png

Parameter content type We now support parameter content type definitions for more granular parameter type control.

Studio new parameter content.png

Schema example generation You can now generate a schema example with one click. We've polished the Examples tab as well.

Studio new schema generate example.png

Web editor We're offering a web editor. We've augmented and integrated the Swagger web editor. You can now edit your OpenAPI document from this locally served web editor as well, using your favorite web theme and save your changes back.

Studio new web editor menu.png

Studio new web editor.png

JSON from/to Yaml With one click, you can now convert your document format between JSON and Yaml without affecting your current document as a new one with the same name and different extensions will be generated for you.

Studio new convert to json.png

Studio new convert to yaml.png

External Schema Reference In addition to the current internal schema referencing (schemas in the same document), you can now refer to an external schema, be it on the same file system or remote on another server. A referenced schema data is automatically fetched and shown (currently read-only mode) in views as if it's an internal schema.

Studio refer to external schema in params.png

Studio refer to external schema wizard.png

Response Headers It's now possible to add response headers.

Studio resonpse headers noteworrthy.png

Schema Discriminator We've added support for the schema discriminator object and mappings.

Studio schema discriminator tab.png

Online Help Wiki We've externalized the help wiki and made it available online.

Studio wiki portal.png

Studio wiki portal menu.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

  • I3 - Source tab claims that the API spec is invalid.
  • 16 - Licensing Server: Make the site images uploadable
  • 17 - Licensing Server: allow site configuration via admin site
  • 18 - HTTP body type selection and editor selection
  • 19 - Check the last product version without contacting the update site
  • 20 - Licensing Server - Populate DB with templates on startup
  • 22 - Studio - Clicking the "New update available!" link gives an exception
  • 23 - HTTP Request run test enhancements
  • 29 - Clicking on the subscription cancel link results in an error
  • 24 - Studio - Touch request sending the wrong version to the server
  • 35 - Studio - A subscription should continue to paid-end even if canceled
  • 37 - Right-click on schema properties tab displays empty context menu
  • 44 - Add response time and size to request editor
  • 46 - What can be used for parameter example schema example or examples
  • 51 - Studio - Package the Swagger web-ui as a generated documentation
  • 52 - Don't ask for save by editor switching
  • 53 - Remain API test: provide server variables
  • 54 - Studio - Update the help URL's from GitHub to the official specs site
  • 75 - Studio - A property schema name is not editable
  • E3 - Order by in Schemas
  • E8 - Auto select added property
  • I2 - Attributes view does not work for arrays
  • I4 - Show in source for attribute doesn't work
  • I5 - Error during update
  • I8 - Rick-click/new schema properties empty
  • I9 - Schema attributes on inline schemas
  • I11 - Potential of losing work
  • I12 - Schema Attributes: Reset to default
  • I13 - Description of tags lost after saving
  • I7 - Rick-click/new schema greyed out
  • I2054 - Add error mark to test case with assertion failures
  • 72 - An internal error occurred during testing requests
  • 73 - Rename test case file removes file extension
  • 79 - Include JustJ into the product. JustJ is an embedded Java runtime
  • 80 - Fixed the layout issue in the info page when the description was long
  • 81 - Update Studio SWT Context Help
  • 83 - Run method with body does not work
  • 86 - Parameters view composite grid layout does not match amount columns

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V1.0.11[edit]

New generators This release comes with 8 new generators:
  • typescript-redux-query
  • nodejs-express-server
  • dart-dio
  • php-slim4
  • java-vertx-web
  • kotlin-vertx-server
  • Nim client
  • OCaml client

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

  • I01512 - Add OAS studio admin site
  • I01513 - Integrate PayPal with Studio
  • I01525 - Pasting a studio license key containing spaces malfunctions
  • I01533 - Studio Analytics: Add licenses by type & status charts
  • I01534 - Studio DB: encrypt sensitive data
  • I01535 - Studio server: Keep license and seats status in sync
  • I01536 - Studio Analytics: Add retention chart
  • I01541 - Studio: Clicking at the license form bottom clears the license key
  • I01542 - Studio admin: Keep deleted licenses
  • I01543 - OAS3: component extension value not displayed on details view
  • I01544 - Upgrade openapi generator from 4.0.0 to 4.2.2
  • I01545 - Add pricing plan to
  • I01546 - Studio Analytics: Add column chart to all license and touches charts
  • I01553 - Studio Analytics: Update Google Charts lib
  • I01554 - Studio: Add DB backup
  • I01556 - Studio Analytics: Generate a query-based report
  • 2 - Studio server - Use JS module Log4js for logging
  • 3 - Studio Admin - Show logs via web client
  • 5 - Licensing: Try detecting a license copy
  • 5 - Studio: CORS failure
  • 6 - Licensing: Try forcing trials count
  • 9 - Add license subscription
  • 9 - The welcome page in studio not loading
  • 12 - Studio - Get request issue when using CORS

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V1.0.10[edit]

Convert Swagger API to OAS3 Now you can easily convert Swagger-2 to OAS3 API.

Openapi editor convert.png

Circumvent CORS restrictions To avoid CORS restrictions while testing your API via the web view, you can now tunnel requests through a local server.

Openapi editor cors.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

  • T00265 - Studio SEO backlinks
  • I01359 - Ignore the last chunk of studio version number when checking for update
  • I01360 - Upgrade MongoDB on studio registration server
  • I01379 - Use the studio local nano server as proxy to avoid CORS restrictions
  • I01385 - Add the option to convert Swagger api's to OAS3 complaint ones
  • I01400 - OpenAPI license page crash
  • I01453 - cannot send an open-api studio rating
  • I01460 - Studio - Double clicking a composed schema shows incorrect source code
  • I01462 - Deprecate the old access token in the studio
  • 3 - Error editor after restart
  • 6 - The studio unexpectedly excited
  • 8 - Rename of schema does not reflect in references
  • 18 - Stackoverflow error in schema
  • I2006 - Add doc help to OpenAPI Editor Gravity Tracker
  • 1 - Add schema additionalProperties documentation

New and Noteworthy in OpenAPI Studio V1.0.9[edit]

Extract a schema from its payload/sample Now, you can easily extract a schema definition from a given payload or example no matter how deep and complex the payload is. As long as it's a valid JSON. The newly extracted schema is added to the components' schemas

Extract schema.png

Reveal components in source code Double-click (or right-click > then Show in Source) any schema, path, operation, security scheme or server to reveal it in the source code tab and outline view.

Reveal in source.png

Licensing UI Revamp We've improved the licensing UI to increase user-friendliness, information being shown. And introduced commercial license seats management.

License ui revamp.png

Write review and add rating It is now possible to write a review and add a rating from the editor.


Add examples implementation to the OpenAPI Studio It is now possible to add examples implementation to the OpenAPI Studio.

Add example.png

Other issues/enhancements resolved[edit]

  • T00258 - Add studio JUnit tests
  • I01305 - Let the studio sever determine the touch IP address instead of the client
  • I01298 - Make it possible to paste license key
  • I01328 - Encrypt the openapi studio local file
  • I01292 - Recheck the studio license by touch response
  • I01295 - OpenApi reviews arbitrarily page selection does not work
  • I01293 - Add openapi studio review to web site
  • I01289 - Make rating icon visible even if the product is not licensed
  • I01275 - null is showen on window title if openapi license editor is opened
  • I01274 - Display component name on component details view