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Insights from the Common Europe Conference 2024: A Growing Hub for IBM i and Power Users


The Common Europe Conference in Milano has once again proven to be a key event for IBM i and Power Systems enthusiasts. 

We had the pleasure of speaking with Juan Manuel, the President of Common Europe, who shared exciting details about the conference, its impact, and what attendees can expect in the future. Here's a recap of our conversation.

A Growing Community: The Success of Common Europe 2024

This year’s Common Europe Conference in Milano has seen remarkable growth, reflecting the increasing interest in IBM i and Power Systems. According to Juan Manuel, the event has attracted more participants than ever before, with nearly 200 sessions covering a wide range of topics. The bustling atmosphere and positive feedback from attendees underscore the importance of this event in the IBM i community.



Key Highlights: Sessions, Panels, and Networking

One of the standout features of this year’s conference was the extensive range of sessions and panels. With almost 200 sessions, participants had access to a wealth of knowledge, from technical deep dives to strategic discussions between IBM executives and customers. Juan emphasized the significance of these sessions, particularly the close discussions that foster a deeper understanding of how businesses are leveraging IBM i and Power Systems.

In addition to the sessions, the networking opportunities were a major draw for attendees. The conference provided a platform for professionals to share ideas, discuss challenges, and explore new solutions. As Juan pointed out, the value of networking at Common Europe cannot be overstated—it’s where real business insights and connections are made.


Looking Ahead: Common Europe 2025 in Gothenburg, Sweden

As the Milano event comes to a close, excitement is already building for next year’s conference. Juan announced that the 2025 Common Europe Conference will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the facilities of Volvo, a key customer of IBM i. This venue offers a unique experience, as attendees will be able to immerse themselves in a real-world IBM i environment, complete with a museum and conference center.

Hosting the event at a customer’s site, particularly one as iconic as Volvo, highlights the deep connection between IBM i users and the platforms they rely on. Juan expressed his enthusiasm for this location, calling it the perfect place to continue the tradition of Common Europe.



The Role of Sponsors: Making Education Accessible

Juan also took a moment to acknowledge the crucial role of sponsors in making the Common Europe Conference possible. Without their support, the event would be much more expensive for attendees. Sponsors not only contribute financially but also provide valuable insights and resources that enhance the overall experience. Juan encouraged attendees to engage with the sponsors, as they play a vital role in the continued success of the conference.

Conclusion: A Bright Future for IBM i and Power Systems

The Common Europe Conference in Milano has once again demonstrated the strength and vitality of the IBM i community. With record attendance, high-quality sessions, and valuable networking opportunities, the event has solidified its place as a must-attend for anyone involved with IBM i and Power Systems. As we look forward to next year’s conference in Gothenburg, it’s clear that Common Europe will continue to be a cornerstone of education and innovation in the IBM i world.


If you’re passionate about IBM i and Power Systems, make sure to join us at the Common Europe Conference 2025 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn, network, and immerse yourself in the heart of IBM i innovation.