Incorporating agile methodology and DevOps philosophy in Remain Software solutions allows continuous delivery of high quality applications in less time and with less money. TD/OMS and Gravity allow a collaborative delivery environment for IT teams.

What we can do to improve your end-to-end IBM i development?
Gravity allows full control over the development process and complete insight in task assignments, project status, and workload. All peers involved in the process – developers, DevOps, IT managers - get a full overview of what is happening in the flow, who does what, and when tasks are finished.
Process management in Gravity makes it easier to plan delivery of changed/modernized applications. In addition, Gravity allows analysis of time spent on a project and better predictability of future tasks. Connection of Gravity and TD/OMS allows an easy start for the application change process in your development environment.

TD/OMS incorporates fundamental application lifecycle processes: change management, version management, release management, software distribution and deployment.
Giving developers the ability to get a complete overview of software components and configuration, TD/OMS makes software changes predictable and assures code quality while letting devops to promote application through all development stages up to successful, continuous delivery of transformed applications into production.
Multiplatform, continuous deployment with TD/OMS is a fully automated process, including rollback mechanism assuring that stable code is always in production.
TD/OMS and its integration with tools such as X-Analysis, RPG Toolbox or WebSmart PHP guarantees a reliable and secure process of modernizing legacy applications, end-to-end.
Legacy code and history of software changes will be automatically documented and saved.