TD/OMS is a solution for all IBM i developers thinking about an improvement of development, change, modernization and deployment processes. It gives a complete overview of the software development process and provides a real-time overview of software components and configuration. In addition, TD/OMS pays a role of an enabler for various solutions for IBM i development and modernization, such as X-Analysis, RPG Toolbox, CA Plex, CA 2E and more.
Websmart PHP
TD/OMS has been supporting PHP on IBM i development for some time now, by facilitating components management and providing a clear overview of PHP components with its graphical impact analysis module. The recent enhancement assures a reliable and effective delivery as well as complete documentation and history of applications developed with WebSmart PHP templates. Information about WebSmart PHP applications is stored and easily accessible using TD/OMS which provides a central repository for WebSmart PHP definitions and native IBM i objects. TD/OMS also takes control over the entire change and modernization process, including multiplatform deployment. In addition, TD/OMS assures control and storage of application versions with source compare and merge functionality.

TD/OMS Integration with Websmart ILE
Remain supports the full Websmart suite which also includes Websmart ILE. The integration also provides dependency analysis on all Websmart definitions. Impact Analysis on files therefore automatically include Websmart definition files and the generated programs and PHP.
The video below shows the day to day workflow of checking out, editing and running a Websmart ILE program.