To learn more about the specific enhancements and how they can benefit your organization, explore the detailed breakdown below.
New and Noteworthy in TD/OMS V17 Milestone 2
RDi & Standalone Client
I02116 - Transfer Process Optimization for environments with many branches
We have addressed an issue in TD/OMS that caused the Pre-Processing Step to take longer than expected when moving objects from one DEV environment to another. This update optimizes performance, reducing the wait time significantly for developers transferring large quantities of objects between branched environments.
I02933 - Solutions View Display Update
Issue: In the TD/OMS Solutions view, only the name of the source file was displayed, without showing the individual member names within it. This made it difficult for users to identify specific members in their solutions.
Resolution: The TD/OMS development team has updated the Solutions view to now include both the source file name and member names, allowing for easier identification and access.

T00405 - REST API - Retrieve Job message detailsThis API is used to retrieve log history, log details, and individual job message details. You can see REST OMS Log Message API documentation.
I02949 - REST task API - Add Ticket FunctionalityLink and unlink ticket functionality has been added to the REST Task API. Now, the paths "/connect" and "/disconnect" have been updated to "/link/request" and "/unlink/request". For more information, you can see REST Task API documentation.
I02841 - Manual Fallback maintenance programA maintenance program has been developed for the fall back content definitions. For more information, you can see Start Fall Back documentation.
I02847 - Solution Rest API should work for all the solutions within the task
New paths have been added to the solution rest API to process the multiple solutions under a single request. For more information, you can see REST Solution API documentation.
T00412 - Object REST API
We have developed a new Object REST API. For more information, please click the link below.
I03054 - Label REST API - IFS object code returns incorrect object name for LABEL
The returned IFS object name has been corrected for the LABEL and UNLABEL action codes.
T00406 - Transfer Object REST API
Replace Object Lock validation with all validations in the select action.The Select action now runs all validations on an object instead of just the Lock object validation. Additionally, the Select action is equipped with an object list, allowing the choice to validate specific objects from a task’s environment. If the object list is empty, it will validate all objects in the task's environment.
T00416 - EVF Event File REST API - Add a method to return the raw records
A new method has been introduced in the EVF Event File REST API to retrieve raw records. This method supports pagination, allowing you to fetch up to 100 records per page. For more details, You can see the REST EVF Event File API documentation.
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