Modernize your RPG applications to Free-Format RPG with TD/OMS and RPG Toolbox
The RPG Toolbox plug-in for Rational Developer for i (RDi), also available for SEU, gives you the ability to translate your RPG source code into the most modern syntax available, dramatically reducing the learning curve and accelerating development efforts. You can configure the setup for flexible control of the conversion options. According to your needs, you can convert entire source code to free-format, you can also convert the particular blocks of code.
Why should you convert your applications with TD/OMS and RPG Toolbox?
- Unlimited conversions.
- Streamlined compilation of software.
- Higher quality of applications and fewer bugs.
- Easy application management.
- Reduced software complexity.
- Old version of an application can be easily stored if needed.
- Source code can be reviewed before and after the conversion.
- Improved maintainability of applications with standardized and consistent source code.
- Increase in code usability and readability.
- Money and time savings.
- Easier to train engineers when utilizing the latest syntax.

RPG Toolbox integrated within TD/OMS
With the RPG Toolbox TD/OMS interface, your legacy applications maintained with Remain's application lifecycle management solution can easily be modernized to the latest syntax for RPG. The entire process takes place under the TD/OMS control, and changes cannot be missed (TD/OMS stores the previous version of your software, so you can go back to it anytime and keep the track/history of your software for reporting purposes - audit/SOX/ISO compliance). With such a streamlined modernization process, your new, modernized applications can be up and running quickly.
Thanks to the conversion to free-format the time normally spent on software maintenance will be significantly reduced due to the standardized and consistent source code.
If your business applications are still written in the old RPGLE/RPG IV it's time for a change.