Flexibility and freedom
How to best describe TD/OMS integration with IBM Rational Team Concert? Two words fit the new offering description: flexibility and freedom.
TD/OMS streamlines software development on IBM i and incorporates fundamental IT business processes
such as:
- Incident Management,
- Configuration Management,
- Version Management,
- Release Management,
- and Software Distribution & Deployment,
giving complete control over the software life cycle process. In addition, TD/OMS provides a real time overview of software components and configuration. The result is assurance of the applications’ highest quality, reduced IT costs, laws and regulations compliance and many others. Combined with the IBM Rational Team Concert TD/OMS will allow users to have more control over collaboration part of software development within IT teams. While TD/OMS fully controls the build process, RTC is taking care of the collaboration part.
- Ease of use and high level of configurability, no end-less implementation effort (no complex setup and learning a new development paradigm for RPG ILE and/or Java development
- Issues and/or stories made in RTC are assigned to a paticular person who can manage the task-related source code within their preferred tool
- Java development flow is not forced on the IBM i way of working
- IBM i developers do not need to adjust and learn a new way of working
- Sources remain on the IBM i - the build of an application is fully under control of TD/OMS
- Support for collaborative application lifecycle management

The development process with TD/OMS and IBM RTC
One of the major strengths of the TD/OMS approach to IBM RTC integration is that the build of an application is fully under control of TD/OMS. The TD/OMS task makes it clear what is to be built in context of a TD/OMS defined application. Thus compilation (or recompilation), resource transformation, component distribution adheres to the rules and definitions per specification of the application. The combination with IBM RTC will help you to organize, plan and control your work and make communication and task management among team members and/or entire department easier, faster and more effective. You can easily make issues and/or stories in RTC, and assign them to a particular person who can manage the task-related source code within TD/OMS. What’s more, you don’t need to switch between tools to find the right component you would like to work on, because all this code will remain within TD/OMS to make the application management easier and faster.You will also no longer need to remove sources from their natural environment, the IBM i libraries, to make changes. All code management can take place within the IBM i libraries instead! When working directly from the Rational Developer for i tooling our integration makes it a snap to edit and compile sources without leaving the tooling.
The TD/OMS Rational Interface contains work item integration and enables you to direct IBM i related work to TD/OMS. It is not just a build engine but it allows you to work like you are used to while still using the full project management capabilities of RTC. You can also perform transformations (recompilations, SQL execution, pre and post processing) when moving an application between defined environments, which makes it a true IBM i SCM tool.
The TD/OMS and IBM Rational Team Concert integration offers ease of use and high level of configurability. It allows users to work in a way they like and they are used to, without the need to learn new skills and adjusting to a completely new environment and workflow. It gives freedom in a lot of functionality.
With TD/OMS & RTC integration you can use the strength of IBM i way of working, in combination with Java and/or RPG ILE best practices and your proofed way of work. None of these methodologies get into each other’s way; therefore you can make the most of both systems. TD/OMS and RTC will adjust to your environment, your methodology, your way of developing software. The only difference is that together with RTC we help you to improve management of these processes. With TD/OMS, you can easily implement changes and track them with user friendly graphical impact analysis. We made it as simple as possible.

Less work, fast implementation
Among many other benefits, with TD/OMS and RTC you can make software development and management easier, without complex setup and learning how to use the new development paradigm for RPG ILE and/or Java development.