The knowledge and information represented by your organization’s business software design and metrics has been accumulated over many years and is extremely valuable. In the case of CA 2E applications, this design model is often out of reach to all except CA 2E developers. X-2E Analysis not only helps you understand your CA 2E design models, it also extracts highly detailed metrics and business rules to help you fully understand your CA 2E applications.

X-2E Analysis fully analyzes CA 2E apps
X-2E Analysis extracts analyze and documents the CA 2E model architecture automatically. It does this visually and interactively using entity relationship diagrams, screen flows, UI designs, metrics, complexities, data flows, impact analysis, business rules and much more. With little effort and time, all stakeholders (not just 2E experts) can easily access the design of the CA 2E application. By recovering and sharing existing, proven business logic and data and process models that represent years of investment and development, IT organizations lower cost, time and risk for all types of projects that enhance CA 2E applications.