In his Nov. 13 article titled "Remain Hooks Change Management System Into GitLab," IT Jungle reporter Alex Woodie covers how newest enhancements to TD/OMS and Gravity demonstrate how Remain is "investing to keep its customers on the cutting edge."
Remain Hooks Change Management System Into GitLab
November 13, 2019 Alex Woodie
IBM i shops that manage their code using Remain Software’s change management software just gained a slew of new ways to hook their system into GitLab, an independent Git-based provider of DevOps solutions. The new software, TD/OMS V12 Milestone 1, also brings better integration with unit testing and cross referencing, while a new release of Remain’s Gravity bolsters management of cross-platform development projects.
With a steady cadence of quarterly updates and one big release per year, Remain Software is endearing itself to IBM i developers who like predictability and perseverance. Read more ...