TD/OMS is a scalable, cost-effective and easy to use Application Life Cycle Management solution.
TD/OMS supports IBM i (Power) Windows and Unix/Linux. It incorporates fundamental IT business process support to manage software changes, software development, deployment and modernization projects. TD/OMS enables development teams to work in a collaborative way and to share any information at various development stages in any environment (Development, Test, Acceptance, and Deployment). TD/OMS is a powerful software solution that incorporates all the functionalities to support modern software development requirements.
- Total control over software changes
- Integrated Project Management Workflow
- Easy to adapt and quick learning curve
- Employee involvement and transparency
- Third party solution integration
- Complete control of software distribution to multi-platform environments
- Scalable for any customer needs (SMB to large Enterprises)
- Fewer bugs, higher quality software and fast go-to-market
- Minimum administration effort
- Cross-industry solution
- Modernization support
- Cost effective and Fast ROI
- Perpetual/ Subscription
"Through the implementation of Remain's TD/OMS it is now unthinkable at Accell that there are multiple versions of applications within the company."
"TD/OMS gives our developers a common ground which helps to bridge the gap between the traditional green screen and modern Eclipse development.“
Samuel Hansen, Senior Application Developer, Hoffmaster Group Inc
“I benefit from TD/OMS because it’s stable, well-functioning software that provides the services we need and doesn’t require much attention at all.”
Erik Nieuwenhuis, Manager IT, EuroCCP

Click the product links to see the details:
- TD/OMS - IBM I DevOps
- Gravity - IBM i Workflow and Ticketing
- Xref - Cross Platform Referencing
- API Studio - IBM i Native REST API Development
- MIWORKPLACE - IBM i Integrated Development Environment
- OCTO -Web and VSCode Integration Platform for Development and Performance Management
- X-Analysis - Unlock the intelligence in your application code
- ReplicTest - IBM i Automated & Augmented e2e testing tool for inter, batch,
web app
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