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IT Jungle Article on Remain Software's Role in IBM i ALM and DevOps

Tue, 07/16/2019 - 00:00
In his July 15 article titled "Remain Breaks New Ground With ALM Suite," IT Jungle reporter Alex Woodie covers some of the most important and exciting elements of Remain's ongoing customer-centric engineering for modern-day change, integration, DevOps and more on/within the IBM i, multi-platform and open-source environments. See what's new with TD/OMS, what it means and why it matters!

TDOMS V11.1 Releases Essential Enhancements to Further Your ALM, IBM i DevOps, and Ongoing Software Application Development Potential

Tue, 06/18/2019 - 06:00
With the release of TD/OMS V11.1, a year's worth of evolution for TD/OMS and Gravity delivers further stability, mobility and ROI as we continue to back your current and future development objectives with progressive enhancements and support for the essential, future-forward tools on which you rely.

This mature version will significantly enhance the speed, accuracy and impact by which you develop, test and deliver. You’ll gain freedom and productivity by way of comprehensive cross-team oversight and advanced capabilities within source and version control, project management, IBM i change- and lifecycle-management, DevOps, workflow and more. Notable features include transformational additions and refinements to/within: the Git, Jenkins, WebFOCUS and GeneXus interfaces; internal branching; advanced cross-referencing; our new Remain API Studio; floating-user licensing, and much more.

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Submitted by NoraFirestone on 18 May 2019
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