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ALM and SCM Solutions for IBM i and Multi-Platform

Remain Focused/Productive. (IBM i, Windows, Unix, Linux, etc.) For small and large organizations alike, Gravity refines workflow processes to increase visibility in the management of projects across your entire organization.  

Embrace change. (IBM i (Power Systems), Windows and Unix/Linux.)  Tackle your DevOps strategy with TD/OMS and easily manage software change, testing and deployments in one cohesive solution for your entire enterprise.

TD/OMS interfaces with many of today's most popular technologies

Only a few of our interfaces are listed above.

If you do not see a third-party solution that you are utilizing, let us know. We may already have an interface or we can easily develop one. 

Our open architecture and our in-house developed solutions enable us to quickly build interfaces to many popular applications

<h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#c8c442;">ALM helps the entire organization remain strong, solid, and cohesive</span></h2><p class="left">&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color:#666666;">In IT, a well-executed ALM methodology empowers developers and DevOps teams to build and deliver high-quality applications while significantly reducing the amount of time they spend on developing, testing, and deploying. The optimal use of an ALM solution provides oversight to all environments, resulting&nbsp;in decreased downtime, a streamlined workflow, better code, and, ultimately,&nbsp;increased user/customer satisfaction.</span></p><p><span style="color:#666666;">These benefits extend past individual development teams to an entire organization by rendering an optimally standardized way to work for everyone involved. ALM tools replace various point solutions commonly used in different business operations, which results in more effective cooperation between teams and significantly enhanced coordination of processes&nbsp;and data associated with projects. Due to standardization, automation,&nbsp;increased visibility, and&nbsp;collaboration, application lifecycle management provides cohesiveness among a spectrum of business activities that rely heavily on dependable software tooling.</span></p>


"The reason to acquire ALM tool from Remain Software was the need for a

secure procedure for the transfer of development work to a test and

production environment. We were also looking for an accepted solution

for auditing purposes to make certain that everything that is in production

has correctly passed through the development process. We need to be sure

that objects and sources belong to each other and have not been placed

there incorrectly outside the control of the system.”

- Kees Trommel, IS division manager, Yamaha Motor Europe




"The integrated solutions used successfully throughout the entire

development process, from user story level to deployment to production.

Even in the subsequent Maintenance Process, the overviews are invaluable.

In addition, Remain has an organization that can handle the products-

and support issues quickly and excellently." 

Micael Jönsson, IT Architect, Resurs Bank


A Day in the Life of an IT Specialist

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