Thank You For Meeting Us At COMMON Annual Meeting 2015 In Anaheim!
TD/OMS, software change management seamlessly integrated with X-Analysis from Fresche Legacy
We are happy to officially announce the integration of the Remain Software flagship software change management tool, TD/OMS with X-Analysis, with a robust documentation and impact analysis software from Fresche Legacy. The combined solution provides a unified and highly integrated workflow and revolutionizes the way IBM i developers work.
New Compare And Merge Solution Will Help Retrofit Vendor And Local Changes
Remain Software ALM Tool Gets CA Plex Interface
"Independent development environments such as CA Plex have their own model-based and pattern-driven development techniques to modernize legacy IBM midrange applications as they run across multiple platforms as well as move them to the Web and to SOA environments. And as IBM i shops take on modernization projects, change management software is integral to the process. As an example, Remain Software that is announcing its application lifecycle management software, TD/OMS, has a new interface for CA Plex users."
TD/OMS Gets A New Interface For CA Plex
Our flagship Application Lifecycle Management solution TD/OMS gets an alternative new interface for CA Plex, a CA Technologies Architected Rapid Application Development tool for IBM i, Windows .NET/Azure, Java, J2EE. The integration is the result of cooperation with Stella Tools, a CA Plex open source initiative, and is available now.
How can workflow management improve internal communication?
How can a workflow management system improve internal communication? Check what Wim Jongman says about it in the latest John Ghrist's article for MC Press Online (an information source for IBM i community).
Continuous Update Of Live Applications - A New TD/OMS Functionality
Not much time has passed since the last TD/OMS enhancement we informed about, we have an occasion for another news about our flagship IBM i application life cycle management solution, TD/OMS. It has been enhanced with a new feature allowing continuous deployment of application components to a live application environment requiring 24/7 up-time. The new TD/OMS functionality has been added to the TD/OMS Windows and Unix-like deployment solutions and is available January 2015.
TD/OMS And Full PHP Object Relations’ Support
We're happy to announce an enhancement to our flagship IBM i application life cycle management product, TD/OMS. From now on the overview of all the PHP components’ relations is facilitated by a graphical impact analysis functionality. The enhancement is available December 2014.
Integration Eases Free-Format RPG Migrations
Read the Dan Burger article about Remain Software cooperation with Linoma Software in the latest issue of IT Jungle The Four Hundred.