IT Jungle Article on Remain Software's Change Management System and GitLab
In his Nov. 13 article titled "Remain Hooks Change Management System Into GitLab," IT Jungle reporter Alex Woodie covers how newest enhancements to TD/OMS and Gravity demonstrate how Remain is "investing to keep its customers on the cutting edge."
Gravity V5 Milestone 1 Enhances Workflow, User Ability and Productivity in Development
Version 5 Milestone 1 of Gravity, our project-workflow management solution, includes a variety of thoughtful user configuration and navigation improvements and enhancements designed to increase your usability and productivity and make your life easier. Check out the shortlists below, and then head over to the Wiki for the full array and all the details.
TD/OMS V12 Milestone 1 Delivers Extended Support for GitLab, Testing, Integration and User Ability
We help you embrace change while remaining in control.
In our ongoing strides to help you "embrace change" and "remain in control" with improved solutions that make your life easier, we're happy to present TD/OMS V12 Milestone 1. Among its many enhancements, Milestone 1 features full support for GitLab, additional unit testing integration, remarkable advances in relation to Xref and more.
Our Milestones and annual releases would not be possible without your trust and feedback. Read on for an overview of some of the updates, additions and improvements to TD/OMS with this release.
In our ongoing strides to help you "embrace change" and "remain in control" with improved solutions that make your life easier, we're happy to present TD/OMS V12 Milestone 1. Among its many enhancements, Milestone 1 features full support for GitLab, additional unit testing integration, remarkable advances in relation to Xref and more.
Our Milestones and annual releases would not be possible without your trust and feedback. Read on for an overview of some of the updates, additions and improvements to TD/OMS with this release.
IT Jungle Article on Remain Software's Role in IBM i ALM and DevOps
In his July 15 article titled "Remain Breaks New Ground With ALM Suite," IT Jungle reporter Alex Woodie covers some of the most important and exciting elements of Remain's ongoing customer-centric engineering for modern-day change, integration, DevOps and more on/within the IBM i, multi-platform and open-source environments. See what's new with TD/OMS, what it means and why it matters!
TDOMS V11.1 Releases Essential Enhancements to Further Your ALM, IBM i DevOps, and Ongoing Software Application Development Potential
With the release of TD/OMS V11.1, a year's worth of evolution for TD/OMS and Gravity delivers further stability, mobility and ROI as we continue to back your current and future development objectives with progressive enhancements and support for the essential, future-forward tools on which you rely.
This mature version will significantly enhance the speed, accuracy and impact by which you develop, test and deliver. You’ll gain freedom and productivity by way of comprehensive cross-team oversight and advanced capabilities within source and version control, project management, IBM i change- and lifecycle-management, DevOps, workflow and more. Notable features include transformational additions and refinements to/within: the Git, Jenkins, WebFOCUS and GeneXus interfaces; internal branching; advanced cross-referencing; our new Remain API Studio; floating-user licensing, and much more.
This mature version will significantly enhance the speed, accuracy and impact by which you develop, test and deliver. You’ll gain freedom and productivity by way of comprehensive cross-team oversight and advanced capabilities within source and version control, project management, IBM i change- and lifecycle-management, DevOps, workflow and more. Notable features include transformational additions and refinements to/within: the Git, Jenkins, WebFOCUS and GeneXus interfaces; internal branching; advanced cross-referencing; our new Remain API Studio; floating-user licensing, and much more.
New Enhancements and Support to Advance Your Application Development Potential
With the release of TD/OMS V 11 Milestone 3, we continue to back your current and future objectives with progressive enhancements and support for the tools on which you rely.
Among others, notable features include the additions of new views to the Git and Jenkins interfaces, the ability to perform automated deployments through the WebFocus V81+ and GeneXus V15+ interfaces, and the introductions of floating licenses and the exciting new Remain API Studio.
In short, we designed Milestone 3 to advance your development potential and compound the return on your investment of valuable time, attention and commitment to your work. In the long run it also advances our ultimate goal: Help you produce better code with speed, ease and an increasingly intuitive and fluid developer-user experience.
Among others, notable features include the additions of new views to the Git and Jenkins interfaces, the ability to perform automated deployments through the WebFocus V81+ and GeneXus V15+ interfaces, and the introductions of floating licenses and the exciting new Remain API Studio.
In short, we designed Milestone 3 to advance your development potential and compound the return on your investment of valuable time, attention and commitment to your work. In the long run it also advances our ultimate goal: Help you produce better code with speed, ease and an increasingly intuitive and fluid developer-user experience.
Intelligent Enhancements Let You Focus on Smart Development of Your Business Applications
With the launch of TD/OMS V 11 Milestone 2, we continue to support your core business objectives with intelligent enhancements that reflect the value and significance of the details. The additions of journal analysis, relaxed locking rules, signature checks and more were designed to help deliver your time, attention and other valuable resources away from unnecessary steps and sidetracks and back in line with your desire to focus on the multiple facets of running and developing your business. Our ultimate goal: Help you produce better code with speed, ease and an increasingly intuitive and fluid developer-user experience.
TD/OMS V 11 Milestone 1
With this launch, we aim to help you streamline efficiency, boost productivity, and avoid or easily identify and address conflicts prior to deployment. The additions of branching, new Advanced Cross Reference capabilities, major features to Remain API Studio, and more support our common ultimate goal: Help you produce better code in a shorter amount of time.
Connected development: Release of Gravity V 3.1
Please press the button below to join the final release party that will be streaming live on YouTube on 21 of June, 2018 at 16.00 CET.
Connected development: release of TD/OMS V 10.1
Please press the button below to join the final release party that will be streaming live on YouTube on 21 of June, 2018 at 16.00 CET.