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Remain Software and Linoma Software partnership

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software is happy to announce the official collaboration with Linoma Software, makers of the popular RPG Toolbox, starting September 2014. The Remain Software solution, TD/OMS, will now enable customers to not only streamline application lifecycle management on IBM i, but also migrate their RPG applications to free-format. The enhancement is now possible due to TD/OMS integration with Linoma Software RPG Toolbox.

IT Jungle About TD/OMS And IBM Rational Team Concert Integration

Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:00
"IBM's Rational Team Concert allows a variety of development teams to work within the same change management environment. But the IBM i development teams were less than comfortable with the environment it put them in. This just released option should reduce the anxiety level and allow IBM i developers to feel at home." (Alex Woodie, IT Jungle)

Remain Software Opens New Routes By Connecting To IBM Rational Team Concert

Fri, 05/02/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software is happy to announce our latest development dedicated to IBM Rational Team Concert users who are looking for improving management of their IBM i legacy applications' development or IT teams willing to manage their IBM i applications’ lifecycle in a modern and robust way. The new offering is a combination of the widely known and used collaboration tool from IBM with a Remain Software solution, TD/OMS, which supports application lifecycle management on IBM i. The new offering will be available May 2014.

Remain Software Becomes A Member Of National ISystems User Group (Common GB)

Mon, 03/17/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software became the member of The National iSystems User Group (Common Great Britain). We are happy to become part of the IBM i community in the UK to share knowledge, ideas and skills and to support companies in choosing best solutions for theit IT management. We will soon sponsor the biggest Power Systems community event in Great Britain - International i-Power 2014, which will take place in June in Windsor. we will be there with our Business Partner and distributor of our products in the UK - FormaServe Systems.

New Value Added Reseller In China

Wed, 02/12/2014 - 00:00
We are happy to inform about appointing another new Business Partner and Value Added Reseller - SRN Information Technology, who will promote and distribute Remain Software products (TD/OMS, TD/OMS Compact and Gravity) on the Chinese market.

Remain Software Increases Visibility On The UK Market

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software increases visibility and products’ availability on the UK market and appoints FormaServe Systems Ltd as the new business partner and value added reseller. The partnership between the companies starts February 2014.

IT Jungle: Software Change Management Designed For Small IBM I Shops

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 00:00
"Through years of experience, small IBM i development shops that need software change management tools for their RPG, RPG ILE, and/or Java development have learned they have two options to consider: slim and none. Make that three options now that Remain Software has introduced an affordable version of its enterprise change management product known as TD/OMS Compact, which adds reliability and productivity to the application development process with an overview of software components and configuration." (Dan Burger, IT Jungle)

The Remain Software ALM Solutions Now Available In Latin America

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software starts a new partnership with Green Light Technology. The new Business Partner headquartered in Orlando, Florida with representatives across South and Central America will make Remain Software ALM tools available on the Latin market. The collaboration between the two companies starts February 2013.

Software Change Management Tailored For Small Development Shops

Wed, 01/15/2014 - 00:00
Remain Software announces the availability of their new Software Change Management solution for IBM i, called TD/OMS Compact. The new product is dedicated to small IBM i development shops and teams that need an easy to use tool for their RPG, RPG ILE and/or Java development at an affordable price. The solution is available January 2014.